Friday, September 27, 2019

Research-Supported Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research-Supported - Essay Example It is therefore because of this reason that this study is aimed at discussing influences of modern technology on the children development (Internet, cell phones, TV). Presents two lines of thought where admirers of modern technology argue that it ensure swift communication and quick receipt information. Opposing side believes that technology affects cognitive and physical development of children. Modern technology is usually accredited to the Internet, cell phone, computers and television among others. The entire above mentioned are summarized as a civilization that is swift, communication rich, information and on the screen. For that reason, it is difficult for children today to imagine a life without computers, the Internet and cell phones. Numerous researchers have, thus, differed concerning the effects of technology on the growth of the contemporary kids. Some believe that technology is the advanced level of human life while others contend that technology has diverse effects on brain development. Presently, children are immersed in technology. Many children today, envisioning a life without technological gadgets is like living in the senior generation, and it is difficult for kids to imagine living in the aged generation. This is because technology has eased all aspects of life. However, in spite of increased use of technology among children, technology has both positive and negative influences which if not observed well, can lead to immorality all over the modern children. It is therefore because of this reason that this study is aimed at discussing influences of modern technology on the children development (Internet, cell phones, TV). Technology refers to advancement in scientific knowledge utilized for practical purposes, mainly in industry. Modern technology is usually accredited to the Internet, cell phone, computers and television among others. The entire above mentioned are summarized as a civilization that is swift,

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